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vendredi 19 avril 2024 by Webmaster
|  | We're updating our Terms of Service on May 22, 2024, so we wanted to let you know ahead of time. These changes won't affect the way you use our services, but they should help make it easier for you to understand what to expect from Google — and what we expect from you — as you use our services. You can see the new terms here. We also summarized the changes at the bottom of this email. What do I need to do? - If you're under the age required to manage your own Google Account:
- We sent this email to your parent or guardian so that they can help you understand our updates better.
- Please discuss this email with your parent or guardian to decide if you need to do anything different with your account.
- If you're a parent or guardian, and you allow your child to use the services:
- Please review the updates to our terms with your child and help them decide whether they need to make any changes to their account.
- Please remember that these terms apply to you and you're responsible for your child's activity on the services.
- If you're the administrator of a Google Workspace corporate or educational account and you've enabled your users to access Google Additional Services:
- Our new Terms of Service won't affect the Google Workspace agreement between Google and your organization. These new terms will only apply to those users to whom you've given access to Google Additional Services. You can always manage whether your users have access to Google Additional Services, and which ones, in your Admin console.
- If you're a Google Workspace reseller whose customers have enabled their users to access Google Additional Services:
- Our new Terms of Service won't affect your Google Workspace agreement with your customers. These new terms will only apply to your customers' users who've been given access to Google Additional Services. Your customers can always manage whether their users have access to Google Additional Services, and which ones, in their Admin console.
- If you're any other user of the services:
- Please read this email to understand our updated terms and your options for further action.
- If you agree to the new terms, no further action is needed.
What's changing? You can review the new Google Terms of Service here. At a glance, here's what this update covers: - Generative AI terms. We're moving our existing Generative AI Additional Terms to our main Terms of Service and adding other AI-related clarifications. For example – we won't claim ownership over original content generated by our AI-powered services.
- More clarity on abusive activity. We're providing more examples and details about abuse and interference with our services that isn't allowed.
- More details on limitations of liability. For users outside the US, we're adding clarifications to our limitations of liability and indemnity sections to avoid any misunderstandings in light of local laws or customs.
- More clarity on disputes. We're clarifying that if you violate our terms, our remedies aren't limited to suspension or termination of your access to the services, but may include other remedies under applicable law. If problems or disputes arise between us about these terms, you'll have the opportunity to describe the issues and address them.
- Updates to reflect how our services work. We're adding language about how our services work, and updating certain Google service brand names that have changed over time.
- For users based in the European Economic Area (EEA) only:
If you don't agree to the new terms, you should remove your content and stop using the services. You can also end your relationship with us at any time, without penalty, by closing your Google Account. Thank you for using Google services! | | |  | © 2024 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 You have received this email to update you about important changes to Google's Terms of Service. | | |
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jeudi 17 août 2023 by Webmaster
| Every day Google works hard to keep you and your private information safe and secure by preventing unauthorized access to your Google Account with our built-in security protections. And keeping you safe means having strong privacy practices across our products that minimize how long we store your personal files and any data associated with them. We want to protect your private information and prevent any unauthorized access to your account even if you're no longer using our services. Therefore, we are updating the inactivity period for a Google Account to two years across all our products and services. This change starts rolling out today and will apply to any Google Account that's been inactive, meaning it has not been signed into or used within a two-year period. An inactive account and any content in it will be eligible for deletion from December 1, 2023. What this means for you: - These changes do not impact you unless you have been inactive in your Google Account for two years or have not used your account to sign in to any Google service for over two years.
- While the changes go into effect today, the earliest we would enforce any account deletion would be December 2023.
- If your account is considered inactive, we will send several reminder emails to both you and your recovery emails (if any have been provided) before we take any action or delete any account content. These reminder emails will go out at least 8 months before any action is taken on your account.
- After a Google Account is deleted, the Gmail address for the deleted account cannot be used again when creating a new Google Account.
How to keep your account active? The simplest way to keep a Google Account active is to sign in to the account at least once every two years. If you have signed in to your Google Account recently in the past two years, your account is considered active and will not be deleted. Other ways to keep your account active include: - Reading or sending an email
- Using Google Drive
- Watching a YouTube video
- Sharing a photo
- Downloading an app
- Using Google Search
- Using Sign in with Google to sign in to a third-party app or service
There are some exceptions to this policy. Examples include: a Google Account with YouTube channels, videos or comments; an account that has a gift card with a monetary balance; or an account that has a published application, for example, one that hosts an app on the Google Play store. Other exceptions to this policy are available here. Google also offers tools to help manage your Google Account and provide options to back up your data, including the ability to download your data using Google Takeout, and allowing you to plan for what happens to your data if you're inactive for a specific period of time with the Inactive Account Manager. Our priority is to make it as easy as possible for you to keep your account active, if you want to, and we'll ensure you have adequate notice before any account is impacted by this change. So before an account is deleted, Google will send email notifications to the Google Account and its recovery email (if one has been provided). You should verify that your recovery email is up to date. Learn more Thank you, The Google Account team | | |  | You have received this email to update you about important changes to your Google Account and services. © 2023 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 | | |
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dimanche 12 mars 2023 by Webmaster
| Bonjour, Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que vous avez reçu un nouveau message de CPF mon compte formation. Ce message concerne votre document de formation. Vous pouvez accéder à votre document de formation CPF mon compte formation en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous : Document de formation CPF : CP06FR07476748784 N'hésitez pas à consulter votre formation pour plus d'informations. Cordialement, Cet e-mail vous a été envoyé pour vous informer de modifications importantes apportées à votre compte et aux services Google que vous utilisez. | | |
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samedi 7 janvier 2023 by Webmaster
Hello Finance, To protect your privacy, this is a reminder that you have your Web & App Activity setting turned on. Web & App Activity is a setting that lets you save to your Google Account the things you do on Google sites, apps, and services, including your searches and associated information, like location and language. It can also give you more personalized experiences across Google, like faster searches and better recommendations. You're in control No action is required on your part. You can review your activity and change your settings anytime. If you'd like to turn off Web & App Activity, review and delete your activity, or turn on auto-delete, visit My Activity. For step-by-step instructions, visit our Web & App Activity Help Center. Google © 2023 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 You have received this mandatory email announcement to update you about important information related to your Google account.
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dimanche 30 octobre 2022 by Webmaster
 | N'oubliez pas de récupérer vos droits Référence n° : N°5-FR441693909
Destiné à :
Votre CPF est crédité de 500€ chaque année, mais il ne sera plus approvisionné si vous ne l'utilisez pas. Ce dispositif est destiné aux :
Personnes en recherche d'emploi,
Travailleurs indépendants,
Faîtes valoir vos droits aujourd'hui avant qu'il ne soit trop tard ! Cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessus et finaliser l'approvisionnement de votre CPF. | | | | | You are receiving this email because you opted-in to receive Spiceworks Newsletter =E2=80=93 either when you registered for Spiceworks or when you updated your Spiceworks profile. Don't want to receive these emails? No problem, simply click on the link below to update your preferences. 7801 North Capital of Texas Highway, Suite 300, TX 78731 | | | | 
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lundi 17 octobre 2022 by Webmaster
| | | Je suis tombé sur votre nom par pur hasard. J'adore le travail que vos faites sur les propriétés de la région. À dire vrai la raison pour laquelle je vous sollicite est que j'aimerais vous présenter quelques campagnes Facebook que vos concurrents utilisent pour obtenir des prospects de R1 très qualifiés à moins de 50€/ lead vendeurs. Je m'appelle Minozan Shanmugarajah, fondateur d'Orakle Agency une agence de marketing digitale qui aide les agents immobiliers à augmenter leurs signatures de mandats grâce à des campagnes d'acquisition de leads vendeurs sur Facebook ads. Je suis persuadé que vous pouvez encaisser un flux additionnel de 100 à 400 nouveaux leads vendeurs chaque mois d'un point de vue opérationnel, et c'est pourquoi j'aimerais prendre le temps de vous présenter comment mettre en place ces campagnes pour votre propre activité. Est-ce qu'obtenir 100 à 400 nouveaux leads vendeurs par mois vous intéresse ? Je me ferais un plaisir de vous présenter un dossier publicitaire des campagnes de vos concurrents de la région. Bien cordialement, Minozan Shanmugarajah Orakle Agency PS: Je tiens à m'excuser pour l'approche très surprenante et peu conventionnelle, mais je sais pertinemment que votre temps est précieux, tout comme le mien d'ailleurs, c'est pourquoi je me permets de vous solliciter de la sorte. Je vous souhaite mes meilleurs vœux de réussite. |
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mercredi 5 octobre 2022 by Webmaster
 | | Bonjour ,
Nous vous informons que le délais de conversion de vos heures en euros a été prolongé jusqu'au 31/10/2022 à 23:59 Votre CPF ( compte personnel de formation ) est crédité de 500€ chaque année, mais il ne sera plus actif si vous ne l'utilisez pas,
Cette formation est destiné aux :
Salariés, -
Personnes en recherche d'emploi, -
Travailleurs indépendants, RÉCLAMEZ VOS DROITS Nous vous invitons à effectuer une manœuvre relativement simple, cliquez sur le button ci-dessus est reclamez vos droits pour finaliser l'approvisionnement de votre CPF. Please bring this notice to the attention of staff and volunteers who do not have access to Trust-wide email. |
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mercredi 24 août 2022 by Webmaster
Bonjour, Vous avez reçu un nouveau document : FRCPF6412150137 Cliquez sur document ci-dessous pour lire votre message:
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samedi 20 août 2022 by Webmaster
IL N'EST PAS TROP TARD OFFRE VALIDE JUSQU'À CE SOIR MINUIT 39,99€ au lieu de 58,99€ Une solution innovante, que peu de professionnels utilisent. Une aubaine pour vous démarquer La Business Card F1RST, la première carte de visite sans contact éco-responsable. Transférez instantanément toutes vos informations, directement sur le téléphone de votre prospect. (Numéro, e-mail, réseaux sociaux…) Autant vous dire que grâce à cette Business Card révolutionnaire, vos informations de contact ne seront jamais perdues ! Quel résultat pensez-vous que cela aurait sur vos relations professionnelles, ou encore sur votre chiffre d'affaires ? | | | | UN PROFIL PROFESSIONNEL Améliorez votre image Soyez plus visible et accessible. | | | | | UN PROFIL PROFESSIONNEL Améliorez votre image Soyez plus visible et accessible. | | UN PARAMÉTRAGE FACILE & RAPIDE Créez votre fiche profil professionnel en toute autonomie en moins de 5 minutes. | | | | | | | DES ÉCONOMIES D'ARGENT 1 seule carte remplacera les 500 commandées chaque année: - Économique - Écologique | | UN OUTIL MARKETING PREMIUM | | | FULL MATTE BLACK BUSINESS CARD - Argent | 39,99€ au lieu de 58,99€ | COMMANDER | | | | FULL MATTE BLACK BUSINESS CARD - Or | 39,99€ au lieu de 58,99€ | COMMANDER | | | | FULL MATTE BLACK BUSINESS CARD | 39,99€ au lieu de 58,99€ | COMMANDER | | | | | | | Vous souhaitez ne plus recevoir de communications commerciales de notre part, cliquez ici: Unsubscribe - F1RST CARD - #1 La première Business Card sans contact éco-responsable | | | | |
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